Mission Statement
The South Orange-Maplewood Adult School is a community-based school for all ages dedicated to lifelong learning. Our mission is to inspire, engage, empower and connect to our inclusive and diverse community through innovative education. Through a generous meeting of the minds and spirit, we strive for a better world.
The Adult School is a 501c3 nonprofit organization and does not receive any taxpayer funding. The school relies solely on the revenue from tuition and contributions from our vital community.
Our Programs
More than 200 courses and lectures are offered in the fall and spring, with a modified schedule in the summer. These courses enrich the mind, exercise the body and feed the soul. Choices include art, music, business and finance, fitness and recreation, languages, technology, and more. While most of our programming is for people aged 14+, we also offer classes just for children and for parents and children together.
The South Orange-Maplewood Adult School was founded in 1933 during the Great Depression as a beacon of hope where the community could gather and everyone could afford to take classes. We are the oldest operating adult school in NJ and we were named a Local Legacy in 2000 by the Library of Congress. We strive to keep our class prices down to continue the tradition on which our school was founded: a community school where people can gather to learn, stay informed and be entertained.
Our office is located at 17 Parker Ave. Maplewood, NJ.
Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 11AM-3PM. During the school year, we are also available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm.
Director of Operations: Natalie Provenzano
Grant & Program Development Manager: Eileen Lynch
Communications Manager: Damola Durosomo
Office Coordinator: Audrey Marshall
Officers and Board of Trustees
President: Amy Dahn
Vice President: Tracy Flanagan
Treasurer: Mary T. Francoeur
Secretary: Kerri Anne Burke
Trustees: Richard Cohen, Zia Durrani, Rose Bennett Gilbert, Freddie Glucksman, Monica Hafif, Anne-Marie Hoxie, Bonnie Kenselaar, Judy Levy, Nonie Murphy, Rivka Nelson, Carol Petrallia, Gina Piccolo, Mark Slade, Jeff Swingle, Gloria Turner, Emily Zacharias
Trustees Emeriti: Sylvia Amato, Ahmondylla Best, Bahati Best, Beth Branigan, Margery Cohen, Michele Davis, Roy Eismann, Katherine Hilaire, Dallas Jackson, Dr. Nabil Marshood, Dr. Shirley Matthews, Patti Nathan, Kimberley Pryor, Audrey Rowe, John Willis, Jill Zimmer
To become a Trustee, please fill out our application.